There's this girl who loves to talk outside my room really really loud and annoyingly on the phone. So I know like everything! I try to not know everything so I crank up my music. Today I did to the max. She's some marching band person - I get the notion there's some drama... I know how she has a some love interest... and she looooves to talk.. and today I found out she's going to Madrid, Spain this summer!! I am sooo jealous, and what's more is that she's a Spanish minor! It totally kills me. I like hate this girl (well 'cause she talks so crazy much while I'm trying to study @@, not that I even know her).
I wanna go to Spain!!
I wanna go to LA and SF, CA!!!
I feel okay about staying at CVS another year (at the moment). I have a plan.
I want to take dance lessons! (Tango? Salsa? - I'd like to Teddy's for their Salsa Mondays).
I'm tired. Ohhhh I have so much work for school. I'm trying to not get too stressed out though.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I've gotten back just an hour ago with my dinner - a chicken cesar salad from the SU. And finally, as I've forgotten throughout the day, my first day of classes is over!
I work up about 45 min before 8, before my first class. I had complete rest, but not really enough time to shower and eat. maybe the times not exact)
the day started with drug info II 8 to 10, then we all filed to the next room for pharmaceutics 10-12! two hour classes back to BACK! then lunch at towers - pasta bar~~ my first time at pasta bar, it was awesome - i had the tomatoe alfredo. then i had my research seminar 1-2. then i had work 2-5. then i went downstairs for my Spanish class. and today we introduced ourselves in Spanish. i was late well not really they started early. but anyway, i was listening to a few ppl before me... omg so bad. my friend said they weren't even trying. on the class description it said u were supposed to have some competency. yo and we did an assessment - for her to gauge where our spanish is, and i finished in 4 minutes i scored a 691. it was like categories: <100, 100-200,300-400,400-500 and 500+. i musta got like one thing wrong. how the exam worked was if u got something wrong they give u something more ez and vice versa and we're supposed to do this at the end of our class - i think 700 must be the max. ahha this is insane! i scored higher than my latina friend crazy loco!
and we have homework assignments from our cuaderno. i guess i'm going to be doing the 3 pepper exercises haha!
I work up about 45 min before 8, before my first class. I had complete rest, but not really enough time to shower and eat. maybe the times not exact)
the day started with drug info II 8 to 10, then we all filed to the next room for pharmaceutics 10-12! two hour classes back to BACK! then lunch at towers - pasta bar~~ my first time at pasta bar, it was awesome - i had the tomatoe alfredo. then i had my research seminar 1-2. then i had work 2-5. then i went downstairs for my Spanish class. and today we introduced ourselves in Spanish. i was late well not really they started early. but anyway, i was listening to a few ppl before me... omg so bad. my friend said they weren't even trying. on the class description it said u were supposed to have some competency. yo and we did an assessment - for her to gauge where our spanish is, and i finished in 4 minutes i scored a 691. it was like categories: <100, 100-200,300-400,400-500 and 500+. i musta got like one thing wrong. how the exam worked was if u got something wrong they give u something more ez and vice versa and we're supposed to do this at the end of our class - i think 700 must be the max. ahha this is insane! i scored higher than my latina friend crazy loco!
and we have homework assignments from our cuaderno. i guess i'm going to be doing the 3 pepper exercises haha!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
stuff i did today
work (9-11:30): signed Elaine on a bunch of thank you cards, stuffed them and labeled envelopes, edited and updated a CV, which was very confidential - though faculty have their CVs up on the school website all the time. so :shrugs:
had a quick lunch at towers - the chicken nuggets were good. or rather they made lunch good.
watched the inaguration for about 20-30min.
chcked the co-op for some books, but nothing is in yet, but i have everything else
came back to change for the p3 white coat ceremony. it was a very good ceremony, great speakers - we are just so lucky to have such good speakers!! baraack... jk... buckley, a p3 named Jim. 3 good speeches heard today by SPC!
my friend Justine finally has decided we go to Caporeira. Polacko said tonight at 9, but i was like ugh we have class at 8 tomorrow... oh well we will see. maybe next week Monday.
i think i did some reading - and bought a book online for my spanish class.
had dinner. that was good. felt satisfying. and i had a good nice time there letting it all settle. i had some pains from lunch 'cause i ate and had to run to watch the inaguration at the pharmacy building.
okay it's 8:14 now and i will do some reading!
i did some reading in my online spanish book. now to move onto autonomic nervous system!
SPC out!
work (9-11:30): signed Elaine on a bunch of thank you cards, stuffed them and labeled envelopes, edited and updated a CV, which was very confidential - though faculty have their CVs up on the school website all the time. so :shrugs:
had a quick lunch at towers - the chicken nuggets were good. or rather they made lunch good.
watched the inaguration for about 20-30min.
chcked the co-op for some books, but nothing is in yet, but i have everything else
came back to change for the p3 white coat ceremony. it was a very good ceremony, great speakers - we are just so lucky to have such good speakers!! baraack... jk... buckley, a p3 named Jim. 3 good speeches heard today by SPC!
my friend Justine finally has decided we go to Caporeira. Polacko said tonight at 9, but i was like ugh we have class at 8 tomorrow... oh well we will see. maybe next week Monday.
i think i did some reading - and bought a book online for my spanish class.
had dinner. that was good. felt satisfying. and i had a good nice time there letting it all settle. i had some pains from lunch 'cause i ate and had to run to watch the inaguration at the pharmacy building.
okay it's 8:14 now and i will do some reading!
i did some reading in my online spanish book. now to move onto autonomic nervous system!
SPC out!
Monday, January 19, 2009
I'm over getting a task chair... I think I am. I will get one eventually.
I bought the a Sony digital voice recorder today at the Co-op! It was the one I was going to buy at Circuit City, and they were the same price, well with my 10 $ gift card to the Co-op, but hey, now it counts towards my rebate for next year.
oh ya and i found out i can't use it on my future laptop, cause the software that comes with it supposedly only works on 32-bit machines, BOGUS! that's sooooo backward. and adeMAS, i might not be allowed to record lectures! @@ well... last semester ppl never asked the professor to record them, which is disrespectful - they just did it. i never recorded though, i didn't have a recorder to use.
@@ I'm def gonna have to take out money out of savings to pay for all my bills. Maybe 300$. My bill's up on $1500, and climbing!
I bought the a Sony digital voice recorder today at the Co-op! It was the one I was going to buy at Circuit City, and they were the same price, well with my 10 $ gift card to the Co-op, but hey, now it counts towards my rebate for next year.
oh ya and i found out i can't use it on my future laptop, cause the software that comes with it supposedly only works on 32-bit machines, BOGUS! that's sooooo backward. and adeMAS, i might not be allowed to record lectures! @@ well... last semester ppl never asked the professor to record them, which is disrespectful - they just did it. i never recorded though, i didn't have a recorder to use.
@@ I'm def gonna have to take out money out of savings to pay for all my bills. Maybe 300$. My bill's up on $1500, and climbing!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
No one neeeds makeup. It's just nice. =D
I like to try look not so damn tired! Cause I hate it when my friend tells me I look tired - which this I need to get over!
I like putting some effort into my look.
I gotta time myself some time on how long it takes.
I like to try look not so damn tired! Cause I hate it when my friend tells me I look tired - which this I need to get over!
I like putting some effort into my look.
I gotta time myself some time on how long it takes.
Snowy Sunday
I'm supposed to go back to school today. Actually I kinda want to stay so that I can watch a movie at 8pm tonight! It's: Another Cinderella Story with Selena Gomez. I wanna see it cause there's this tango in it and dancing. I had no idea Selena Gomez could dance! Oh, inspiring! yay! It looks so fun! She looks too young though overall, I think it could be the puff of her hair and the chubbiness of her cheeks.
Though, thing is if I go to school tomorrow, then my uncle will be driving, and that takes a year to get to school, then. @@ If I go today, my brother will drive me and my cousin Brian up. But then I wouldn't have a tv and well the only tv would be the one in the hall lounge, but then I'll be back and set stuff up and refresh some of my knowledge - like Spanish! and of course the autonomic nervous system right.
Things I need to get before I go back: digirecorder from Circuit City!
Okay so I'm going to try something new. Previously I haven't found other body soaps to be as clean feeling as Dial and Irish Spring, I like the smell of them though! However, it has been fond that these said soaps leave soap scum, which can be irritating, and strip the skin of well everything which includes the useful good stuff - and so if you use a syndet, then you will strip less off, therefore, having less for your skin to have to repair.
I hope they hire some new staff at CVS - front store and pharmacy. They have to train new people cause in the pharmacy we will be losing like 3 people, and the front store can just always use good help. I hope Eric, Kevin and Sarah will still be around. They are alright.
Though, thing is if I go to school tomorrow, then my uncle will be driving, and that takes a year to get to school, then. @@ If I go today, my brother will drive me and my cousin Brian up. But then I wouldn't have a tv and well the only tv would be the one in the hall lounge, but then I'll be back and set stuff up and refresh some of my knowledge - like Spanish! and of course the autonomic nervous system right.
Things I need to get before I go back: digirecorder from Circuit City!
Okay so I'm going to try something new. Previously I haven't found other body soaps to be as clean feeling as Dial and Irish Spring, I like the smell of them though! However, it has been fond that these said soaps leave soap scum, which can be irritating, and strip the skin of well everything which includes the useful good stuff - and so if you use a syndet, then you will strip less off, therefore, having less for your skin to have to repair.
I hope they hire some new staff at CVS - front store and pharmacy. They have to train new people cause in the pharmacy we will be losing like 3 people, and the front store can just always use good help. I hope Eric, Kevin and Sarah will still be around. They are alright.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Winter Break
I haven't done a whole lot this break.
I worked a lot at CVS, making 1k. So potentially I could have made 2k this break, that would have been sweeet. Well okay I have some experiences at my retail community pharmacy settings, that is good. I made a bunch of moneies, but I basically spent it all, too. I bought make-up at Sephora and CVS, stuff at CVS, glow-sticks at Wal-mart, a necklace and earring set at Wal-mart (for 1.25... which my sister actually paid for), earrings at Claire's, make-up at (for Jia Li and my sister Julie's birthday presents), I did more online shopping at Wet Seal for a pair of leg warmers and a dress, I finally got a laptop HP! ($900!), I bought two books that aren't necesary for school but rather are for myself they something like Technician something and its workbook, and then I bought two of my textbooks. Peter bought two of my other textbooks, but one of them never came =(((( I still have to buy a lab manual when I get up to school.
Geez, so it looks like I'm going to have to take out some money out of my savings to pay for everything. Now, what I have to look forward to:
I won't have to be doing my community hours (they are done!)
making 900 dollars over the semester with my work study
making about 40 dollars a month at CVS and over Spring Break
I plan to take a trip out to California in either May or August. I want to go with a friend or two and also meet up with my Singaporean friend. She hopes to get out to LA this August. It'd be soooo cool if we could meet up!!
Learn more in Pharmacy School.
Learning Spanish related to health care.
blogging more now that I will have a laptop
more expensives for laptop case, wireless mouse?, more books
apply to internships??
classes to become an EMT?
Campus Involvement:
LatinFest 2009 / BAILE
Collegiate Health Corps
Pharm Frat?
watch the match of GSP v BJ Penn!! 1/31
Lunar Fest to celebrate the Year of the Ox? $20
I will have tons of points - must use them! on NutriGrain bars for breakfast - they are pretty good when you are hungry!!
I planned to do a lot of learning over break, but it hasn't happened and I have one day before I learn. I will try to review my Nervous System. This upcoming semester will be a lot of work. I will have to stay on top of things.
Another thing I need to buy: digital voice recorder. I think I will go back to Circuit City and buy one. 30 dollars is a good deal, I think. I will have to go back tomorrow, or if I go out to the mall tonight, I will go. Michelle said she'd text if they have the fur lined hoodies I want. I was thinking I should get one of those language calendars from Borders. They ought to be on sale!
I gotta stop this spending spree!
Next semester I gotta hit the gym, study like no tomorrow, party hard when I get a chance, meet people, try new things, learn new things, keep life exciting! and write about how I feel and what's going on (briefly/detailed).
Oh yea, and my 21st birthday is coming UP! February 8th! It'd be cool to go to a party that weekend. And, have like one drink.
Ohhh, gotta live it up. Gotta gotta, live my life, gotta, make my own life. Next up, gotta save for a car. Hope to save 500 from work study this semester.
Oh and to stay at CVS? I think I will.
Goals at CVS:
proficiency in processing prescriptions
complete the stuff I need to complete in CVS's curriculum
work at other CVS pharmacies (White St., South St.)
Other opportunities: Pfzier, Covidien, BIPI, learn to be an EMS?
stuff to look into: MPH
Covidien would be a great opportunity. They give you I think 3k or something in the thousands for housing. Thus, I would be living in New Haven/Milford, how cool!! Oh haha, if Jacki ends up in New Haven, maybe we could live together again ! ahha It seems like Covidien involves compounding and basically next semester, that is what I think I'll be doing.
Oh well I didn't get to hang out with You Gao. I didn't hang out with anyone really. Couldn't go up to Boston to hang with CathyGRegMonica. I had Walgreens at 9am the next day, on New Year's Day. I hung out with Guang at Tuxedo Junction. I saw Michelle to give her her XMAS present. Gotta think of something next for her Bday!
Hmmm I think for CVS I will go back in two weeks, but then no go home all of February, but then I will need to just tell CVS to pay me for 4 hours and just come back for Spring Break. I will have to text Diane about this. That would work out to going home a total of 3 times. I feel like I went home a lot more last semester, I think I did. I love this putting me on for 4 hours so I don't get kicked out of the system and then just will owe working 4 hours sometime. It works out for my convenience.
Saying I stay at CVS, which the chances are likely I think, to get another job on the side, ya think? Though, I think I'll be able to get 40 hours a week this time around. I wonder who will stay at CVS. Rosetta was talking about going to Wal-mart. If so, perhaps I can go over to South St. sometimes! woo!~ Well either way that is my plan: to work at some other CVSs, that way I get experience with different populations and different medications and it will keep my on my feet. I also heard that as an intern I can have the opportunity to hang out with the Pharmacy supervisor - get to see what they do!
So staying at CVS would pull in prospective ~6k. That will be a nice lot of money. If I go somewhere else, maybe 1k more! We will see what the future holds for SPC, and what SPC has for the future.
Oh also I was thinking of going to Sin City, Waterbury 'cause Tila Tequila will be there - not that I'm a fan, but it would attract a lot of people to go! I asked Michelley, but she has to work til close, then I bet she'd be tired. I was thinking of asking people at work to go, but didn't get the chance, I was busaaay sortin' drugs like no tomorrow! and stuff. It cold out anyway. Anyhow instead I watched two movies: A Cinderella Story (with Chad Michael Murray and Hillary Duff) and The Notebook. I always thought The Notebook was that movie about the leukemia girl. Oh well. The Notebook was such a good movie! Initially I thought it was just some old movie 'cause old people were the first thing I saw and then some older generation stuff. IT WAS SO GOOD! I had missed some parts so I looked them up on
I worked a lot at CVS, making 1k. So potentially I could have made 2k this break, that would have been sweeet. Well okay I have some experiences at my retail community pharmacy settings, that is good. I made a bunch of moneies, but I basically spent it all, too. I bought make-up at Sephora and CVS, stuff at CVS, glow-sticks at Wal-mart, a necklace and earring set at Wal-mart (for 1.25... which my sister actually paid for), earrings at Claire's, make-up at (for Jia Li and my sister Julie's birthday presents), I did more online shopping at Wet Seal for a pair of leg warmers and a dress, I finally got a laptop HP! ($900!), I bought two books that aren't necesary for school but rather are for myself they something like Technician something and its workbook, and then I bought two of my textbooks. Peter bought two of my other textbooks, but one of them never came =(((( I still have to buy a lab manual when I get up to school.
Geez, so it looks like I'm going to have to take out some money out of my savings to pay for everything. Now, what I have to look forward to:
I won't have to be doing my community hours (they are done!)
making 900 dollars over the semester with my work study
making about 40 dollars a month at CVS and over Spring Break
I plan to take a trip out to California in either May or August. I want to go with a friend or two and also meet up with my Singaporean friend. She hopes to get out to LA this August. It'd be soooo cool if we could meet up!!
Learn more in Pharmacy School.
Learning Spanish related to health care.
blogging more now that I will have a laptop
more expensives for laptop case, wireless mouse?, more books
apply to internships??
classes to become an EMT?
Campus Involvement:
LatinFest 2009 / BAILE
Collegiate Health Corps
Pharm Frat?
watch the match of GSP v BJ Penn!! 1/31
Lunar Fest to celebrate the Year of the Ox? $20
I will have tons of points - must use them! on NutriGrain bars for breakfast - they are pretty good when you are hungry!!
I planned to do a lot of learning over break, but it hasn't happened and I have one day before I learn. I will try to review my Nervous System. This upcoming semester will be a lot of work. I will have to stay on top of things.
Another thing I need to buy: digital voice recorder. I think I will go back to Circuit City and buy one. 30 dollars is a good deal, I think. I will have to go back tomorrow, or if I go out to the mall tonight, I will go. Michelle said she'd text if they have the fur lined hoodies I want. I was thinking I should get one of those language calendars from Borders. They ought to be on sale!
I gotta stop this spending spree!
Next semester I gotta hit the gym, study like no tomorrow, party hard when I get a chance, meet people, try new things, learn new things, keep life exciting! and write about how I feel and what's going on (briefly/detailed).
Oh yea, and my 21st birthday is coming UP! February 8th! It'd be cool to go to a party that weekend. And, have like one drink.
Ohhh, gotta live it up. Gotta gotta, live my life, gotta, make my own life. Next up, gotta save for a car. Hope to save 500 from work study this semester.
Oh and to stay at CVS? I think I will.
Goals at CVS:
proficiency in processing prescriptions
complete the stuff I need to complete in CVS's curriculum
work at other CVS pharmacies (White St., South St.)
Other opportunities: Pfzier, Covidien, BIPI, learn to be an EMS?
stuff to look into: MPH
Covidien would be a great opportunity. They give you I think 3k or something in the thousands for housing. Thus, I would be living in New Haven/Milford, how cool!! Oh haha, if Jacki ends up in New Haven, maybe we could live together again ! ahha It seems like Covidien involves compounding and basically next semester, that is what I think I'll be doing.
Oh well I didn't get to hang out with You Gao. I didn't hang out with anyone really. Couldn't go up to Boston to hang with CathyGRegMonica. I had Walgreens at 9am the next day, on New Year's Day. I hung out with Guang at Tuxedo Junction. I saw Michelle to give her her XMAS present. Gotta think of something next for her Bday!
Hmmm I think for CVS I will go back in two weeks, but then no go home all of February, but then I will need to just tell CVS to pay me for 4 hours and just come back for Spring Break. I will have to text Diane about this. That would work out to going home a total of 3 times. I feel like I went home a lot more last semester, I think I did. I love this putting me on for 4 hours so I don't get kicked out of the system and then just will owe working 4 hours sometime. It works out for my convenience.
Saying I stay at CVS, which the chances are likely I think, to get another job on the side, ya think? Though, I think I'll be able to get 40 hours a week this time around. I wonder who will stay at CVS. Rosetta was talking about going to Wal-mart. If so, perhaps I can go over to South St. sometimes! woo!~ Well either way that is my plan: to work at some other CVSs, that way I get experience with different populations and different medications and it will keep my on my feet. I also heard that as an intern I can have the opportunity to hang out with the Pharmacy supervisor - get to see what they do!
So staying at CVS would pull in prospective ~6k. That will be a nice lot of money. If I go somewhere else, maybe 1k more! We will see what the future holds for SPC, and what SPC has for the future.
Oh also I was thinking of going to Sin City, Waterbury 'cause Tila Tequila will be there - not that I'm a fan, but it would attract a lot of people to go! I asked Michelley, but she has to work til close, then I bet she'd be tired. I was thinking of asking people at work to go, but didn't get the chance, I was busaaay sortin' drugs like no tomorrow! and stuff. It cold out anyway. Anyhow instead I watched two movies: A Cinderella Story (with Chad Michael Murray and Hillary Duff) and The Notebook. I always thought The Notebook was that movie about the leukemia girl. Oh well. The Notebook was such a good movie! Initially I thought it was just some old movie 'cause old people were the first thing I saw and then some older generation stuff. IT WAS SO GOOD! I had missed some parts so I looked them up on
My Friday 1/17/2009
Yesterday was Friday.
I woke up early. I had to drive my mom to work so I could have a car to drive myself to work. But OMG, no WATER! We had NO WATER! It sucked. But what we did was I dropped off my mom at 7 o clock and then I went home to pick up my toothbrush that I'd forgotten and went to my Uncle's house (two blocks away) to shower and brush my teeth. So lucky we have them so close, or else I'd be a smelly creature at work.
I had to get to work at 8am sharp. Well, I wasn't on time =// I stopped by Dunkin Donuts, if I didn't stop by I would have been on time =/ I didn't really need to stop by DD, cause I didn't have much time to eat anyway. Diane had told me I gotta get in and just hit it, sort them drugs like crageeeee. My mom had told me to go turn on the downstairs heat, but I had forgotten to do that and she called me at work to ask me to home and turn on the heat. But dude, if I left work, I'd have to take 30 minutes to do that! But my day working as Diane went well. I sorted the drugs in an hour, pretty damn good I'd say! Then I typed and typed, woo! so happy to have a good staff on.
First problem, let's see was this lady that the company switched Pharmacy programs and she didn't know it. I told her she could pay cash for now and then we would refund it with in a week. But then, she was like, do you know how much those cost! I paid x -illion dollars for this blah blahh blah. I want to see ur manager lbal blah. I didn't do anything about it, I ignored that last part and she went to see the store manager, Stan. So he asked me if we could call the insurance company. And I was like I guess, he said u guess or u can? I was like yea.. So I did that and found out they switched companies, so then I called those people and got the info and processed the stuff. While I called the old lady I guess started feeling bad and was like I'll go home and check, and before she was like ugh I have to go all the way hoME???? Yea idk they are mean, then they are nice ta ya, ah, whatev'. That's the way it goes.
And then some ol' lady wanted to get a CII filled, and apparently her grandson/son stole her other rx and filled it. Her option was to arrest her grandson/son. How unfortunate, handle it internally, or face federally punishment. And then there was a guy saying something about an insurance company authorizing a free fill - I've never heard of that before! @@ They can do that?
I go kinda mad when stuff isn't efficient. Today at Costco, it was a zoo! two people wanted to get past at the same time on both sides of me coming towards me. one by his own person and another a huge cart with like a sofa on it. I was just like what do u guys want from me!!! Like HOLY CRAP, man. People need to be more patient on the weekends, holy moley.
Anyway, I went home after work and my brother texted me that the 30% off coupon for is BACK! woohoo! But then I had to go pick up my mom at my uncle's house. since somehow idk how she took my other uncle's car to work and she had also came home to turn on the heat. But I waited for my mom by kind playing with my little cousin Andy, who is in kindergarten. He just runs around like the wild child he is and watches the same thomas train dvd over and over again. so my aunti offered me some cashews. apparently my mom went with my uncle and they got these said cashews.
NEW* Cashew Allergy
I had like 3 cashews, I swear, totally not close to like 10 cashews, even. After the few cashews I felt weird, itchy tongue. then it developed to a constriction in the throat. Scary shit. But all the while I could breathe, wheew. I got home drank some OJ and soon had a tummy ache. I chatted with my sister and she said her friend had thrown up and that the dr said that was the best thing to do. I looked up symptoms of allergy, they can be GI upset/diarrhea. i sat on the bathroom floor for a while but all I did was burp. (I later found out my sister's friend had made himself throw up, something I didn't know. also the dr said if he didn't throw up he would have had a worse reaction...) My mom set me up with some asian oils on my tummy and an electric blanket. I also took some benadryl and ginger ale. I think I fell asleep, I don't really know. and then I woke up or something and started feeling really itchy. my back, back of the head, chest, like everything so itchy. OMG SO itchy! I had my sister research treatment for hives, they said the best thing was a soothing bath with oatmeal and junk. I just did soap and water and did some apricot scrub.
i was all pink. if you saw my face - i had some white around my eye and everything else was pink! and then i applied some dry skin therapy creme. aveeno seems like that would be the best solution. though i think it has soy it it. i had tried an aveeno face lotion and did not react well to it.
allergic reactions are very much no fun@@~!!!
i've had cashews before, wth now, i'm allergic NOW????
I woke up early. I had to drive my mom to work so I could have a car to drive myself to work. But OMG, no WATER! We had NO WATER! It sucked. But what we did was I dropped off my mom at 7 o clock and then I went home to pick up my toothbrush that I'd forgotten and went to my Uncle's house (two blocks away) to shower and brush my teeth. So lucky we have them so close, or else I'd be a smelly creature at work.
I had to get to work at 8am sharp. Well, I wasn't on time =// I stopped by Dunkin Donuts, if I didn't stop by I would have been on time =/ I didn't really need to stop by DD, cause I didn't have much time to eat anyway. Diane had told me I gotta get in and just hit it, sort them drugs like crageeeee. My mom had told me to go turn on the downstairs heat, but I had forgotten to do that and she called me at work to ask me to home and turn on the heat. But dude, if I left work, I'd have to take 30 minutes to do that! But my day working as Diane went well. I sorted the drugs in an hour, pretty damn good I'd say! Then I typed and typed, woo! so happy to have a good staff on.
First problem, let's see was this lady that the company switched Pharmacy programs and she didn't know it. I told her she could pay cash for now and then we would refund it with in a week. But then, she was like, do you know how much those cost! I paid x -illion dollars for this blah blahh blah. I want to see ur manager lbal blah. I didn't do anything about it, I ignored that last part and she went to see the store manager, Stan. So he asked me if we could call the insurance company. And I was like I guess, he said u guess or u can? I was like yea.. So I did that and found out they switched companies, so then I called those people and got the info and processed the stuff. While I called the old lady I guess started feeling bad and was like I'll go home and check, and before she was like ugh I have to go all the way hoME???? Yea idk they are mean, then they are nice ta ya, ah, whatev'. That's the way it goes.
And then some ol' lady wanted to get a CII filled, and apparently her grandson/son stole her other rx and filled it. Her option was to arrest her grandson/son. How unfortunate, handle it internally, or face federally punishment. And then there was a guy saying something about an insurance company authorizing a free fill - I've never heard of that before! @@ They can do that?
I go kinda mad when stuff isn't efficient. Today at Costco, it was a zoo! two people wanted to get past at the same time on both sides of me coming towards me. one by his own person and another a huge cart with like a sofa on it. I was just like what do u guys want from me!!! Like HOLY CRAP, man. People need to be more patient on the weekends, holy moley.
Anyway, I went home after work and my brother texted me that the 30% off coupon for is BACK! woohoo! But then I had to go pick up my mom at my uncle's house. since somehow idk how she took my other uncle's car to work and she had also came home to turn on the heat. But I waited for my mom by kind playing with my little cousin Andy, who is in kindergarten. He just runs around like the wild child he is and watches the same thomas train dvd over and over again. so my aunti offered me some cashews. apparently my mom went with my uncle and they got these said cashews.
NEW* Cashew Allergy
I had like 3 cashews, I swear, totally not close to like 10 cashews, even. After the few cashews I felt weird, itchy tongue. then it developed to a constriction in the throat. Scary shit. But all the while I could breathe, wheew. I got home drank some OJ and soon had a tummy ache. I chatted with my sister and she said her friend had thrown up and that the dr said that was the best thing to do. I looked up symptoms of allergy, they can be GI upset/diarrhea. i sat on the bathroom floor for a while but all I did was burp. (I later found out my sister's friend had made himself throw up, something I didn't know. also the dr said if he didn't throw up he would have had a worse reaction...) My mom set me up with some asian oils on my tummy and an electric blanket. I also took some benadryl and ginger ale. I think I fell asleep, I don't really know. and then I woke up or something and started feeling really itchy. my back, back of the head, chest, like everything so itchy. OMG SO itchy! I had my sister research treatment for hives, they said the best thing was a soothing bath with oatmeal and junk. I just did soap and water and did some apricot scrub.
i was all pink. if you saw my face - i had some white around my eye and everything else was pink! and then i applied some dry skin therapy creme. aveeno seems like that would be the best solution. though i think it has soy it it. i had tried an aveeno face lotion and did not react well to it.
allergic reactions are very much no fun@@~!!!
i've had cashews before, wth now, i'm allergic NOW????
Thursday, January 15, 2009
This year...
start running again
go to the gym OFTEN
learn a lot
remember how to rock climb again
buy a laptop
buy a wireless chargeable mouse with browser buttons?
visit california
go to the gym OFTEN
learn a lot
remember how to rock climb again
buy a laptop
buy a wireless chargeable mouse with browser buttons?
visit california
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I'm thinking I'll get this computer:
It's $629.99 at Circuit City.
or something faster
or a Lenovo IdeaPad Y
I'm loving the song: Nek - Laura no c'e. It also comes in Spanish (Laura no esta) and in English (Laura is away). The guy is hot! I want a poster of him.
So Unionville, CT CVS does 1200 a week. My CVS does 2000 and last week we did 2200 'scripts.
I still need to brush up on my Spanish!!
I still need to study the nervous system!!
Oh yea, I also wanted to buy a chair!!
I worked for Diane today. 8 to 4. I was there with Phillip. I was 4 minutes late. I guess some woman came in at 8 and gave him scripts, but he waited til I got there... well he was waiting for Diane to get it.
It's $629.99 at Circuit City.
or something faster
or a Lenovo IdeaPad Y
I'm loving the song: Nek - Laura no c'e. It also comes in Spanish (Laura no esta) and in English (Laura is away). The guy is hot! I want a poster of him.
So Unionville, CT CVS does 1200 a week. My CVS does 2000 and last week we did 2200 'scripts.
I still need to brush up on my Spanish!!
I still need to study the nervous system!!
Oh yea, I also wanted to buy a chair!!
I worked for Diane today. 8 to 4. I was there with Phillip. I was 4 minutes late. I guess some woman came in at 8 and gave him scripts, but he waited til I got there... well he was waiting for Diane to get it.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I'm using my sister's laptop, it's a lenovo x61, has a 12.1 screen. it's not too bad. it doesn't seem so small. and it's really light, 3 lbs! but no touch pad. but i guess i should get a 15.4 which would be like at least 5 lbs. not as LAPtop friendly... in weight. but i would mostly be using on a desk. but it would be great to have something light like this - very mobile.
i kinda thinkin' not toshiba b/c the battery life doesn't seem very good.
i'm hoping to find another deal for a hp soon like tomorrow.
i'm excited i'm getting my ann taylor sweaters tomorrow! yay! I'll see if they fit. I really hope they do. I ordered petite smalls in a green and red color. they were 24 a piece, a pretty good price! and they are from ann taylor LOFT!
i also got my new mobile yesterday. it's pretty good, i kinda didn't like it at first, but i'm getting used to the change fast. it's pretty nice. the screen is clearer, i have a bluetooth set, 1.3 megapixel camera, can change the menu settings - a lotta good things.
i kinda thinkin' not toshiba b/c the battery life doesn't seem very good.
i'm hoping to find another deal for a hp soon like tomorrow.
i'm excited i'm getting my ann taylor sweaters tomorrow! yay! I'll see if they fit. I really hope they do. I ordered petite smalls in a green and red color. they were 24 a piece, a pretty good price! and they are from ann taylor LOFT!
i also got my new mobile yesterday. it's pretty good, i kinda didn't like it at first, but i'm getting used to the change fast. it's pretty nice. the screen is clearer, i have a bluetooth set, 1.3 megapixel camera, can change the menu settings - a lotta good things.
Monday, January 5, 2009
What the Future Holds...
Winter 2009
finish my IPPE II stuff: Community hours for a total of 100 hours.
Spring Semester 2009
10 classes, 1 kind of doesn't count because I finished the time consuming part already. Then, it's like 20 credits opposed to the 22 I'm actually taking. So I guess that is something positive to think about.
Turning 21 very soon!!
Will either receive my laptop before or after my bday - hopefully b4!! I bought a passive laptop cooler, the Xpad. My thinking is that well what I have read from tests is that laptop coolers cool the CPU about 6 degrees. And so, 6 degrees is not a lot to us, it's not something you really notice, but I'm sure that 6 degree swing is important to your computer! I tested it out on Jacki's laptop. I think it works. It does seem cooler. Her laptop gets HOTTT.
I'm thinking of going to Chuck & Augie's on Friday night for dinner then after either partying or a movie (a scary one! or a funny one!) - kind of depends on my mood, but I like parties ! My real birthday is on Sunday, but Friday is optimal time for hangout time.
Looking to fit in Latin Fest 2009 this semester. That would be a lot of fun and also a lot of time to commit.
I applied to that Collegiate Health Service Corp, and that is like 1.5 hours at site (including transit) plus time spending prepping for the educational sessions. I think it'd be a great experience and also a great thing to be apart and contribute.
Also, I'm liking my work-study job. It's a great environment of predominantly women and I feel like I can be me and normal. It's also like a break for me because I'm basically in class relatively a lot. It's like, finally, I can take a breather.
Summer 2009
remain at CVS/pharmacy hoping to experience working at other stores as well
travels: LA &/ SF , CA ; Spain??
take dance classes!
enjoy being 21!
Fall 2009
Chinese I? <-- depends if it fits my schedule really
Work? - most likely they will keep me on @ SON even if I lose my work-study
Spring 2010
Chinese II?
Summer 2010
travel: study abroad to China?? ; Spain? ; Mx? ; Cali?
... beyond
finish my IPPE II stuff: Community hours for a total of 100 hours.
Spring Semester 2009
10 classes, 1 kind of doesn't count because I finished the time consuming part already. Then, it's like 20 credits opposed to the 22 I'm actually taking. So I guess that is something positive to think about.
Turning 21 very soon!!
Will either receive my laptop before or after my bday - hopefully b4!! I bought a passive laptop cooler, the Xpad. My thinking is that well what I have read from tests is that laptop coolers cool the CPU about 6 degrees. And so, 6 degrees is not a lot to us, it's not something you really notice, but I'm sure that 6 degree swing is important to your computer! I tested it out on Jacki's laptop. I think it works. It does seem cooler. Her laptop gets HOTTT.
I'm thinking of going to Chuck & Augie's on Friday night for dinner then after either partying or a movie (a scary one! or a funny one!) - kind of depends on my mood, but I like parties ! My real birthday is on Sunday, but Friday is optimal time for hangout time.
Looking to fit in Latin Fest 2009 this semester. That would be a lot of fun and also a lot of time to commit.
I applied to that Collegiate Health Service Corp, and that is like 1.5 hours at site (including transit) plus time spending prepping for the educational sessions. I think it'd be a great experience and also a great thing to be apart and contribute.
Also, I'm liking my work-study job. It's a great environment of predominantly women and I feel like I can be me and normal. It's also like a break for me because I'm basically in class relatively a lot. It's like, finally, I can take a breather.
Summer 2009
remain at CVS/pharmacy hoping to experience working at other stores as well
travels: LA &/ SF , CA ; Spain??
take dance classes!
enjoy being 21!
Fall 2009
Chinese I? <-- depends if it fits my schedule really
Work? - most likely they will keep me on @ SON even if I lose my work-study
Spring 2010
Chinese II?
Summer 2010
travel: study abroad to China?? ; Spain? ; Mx? ; Cali?
... beyond
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