Saturday, February 7, 2009


Collegiate Health Services Corp = CHSC

Pay attention to these sequences... these dates.

I went to the info session on Friday. I went to my interview on Monday. I found out the site and day I was interested in was full. I don't understand why it is full. AND if it was full, then why even bother putting it on the list to choose froM?!!!!????

And so the girl said she would let me know I think Wednesday or Thursday, but it was one of those days. Then it got postponed til Friday. But then I didn't see anything in my e-mail on Friday. I saw Josh at the dining hall around dinnertime and he said it would be announced that evening. So... I didn't get anything. I e-mailed them again saying, I guess I didn't get it, but thank you - well that was it more or less. But the girl said she'd try to ask if they needed help for the Friday site. I don't think she understood =( But she e-mailed me back saying that they may be setting up a Saturday site and they'd contact me if anything. =/

So I wait and see, and wish for more.

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