Friday, February 19, 2010

I know this is really mean. Okay some aspect of this is mean.
We all want to have beautiful friends. We want to mingle among beautiful people. My friend said let's go to South, that's where all the beautiful people are, okay well that's what he basically said. A fellow student worker of mine she's a white girl with long hair and there's something about her face, everything nose (I think) up are normal, but her mouth is weird, it's droopy, looks like she has a small cleft deformity and overall gives her this lazy look about her. I don't know her well at all. I am being superficial. You think about it, looks are the resume in the social sphere, and also, you think about it, people that looks normal chances are they are normal. Thinking about it from a genetics perspective, their phenotype commonly reflects their genotype. I say in general terms, however. If you took look at a picture of my eldest uncle's cousins, you would think there's something not right about them. Psst, and that's 'cause there is.

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